
Parish | : Ettapalli |
Place Name | : Ettapalli |
Patron | : ST. Kuriakose Elias Chavara |
Parish Vicar | : Rev. Fr. Eraly Jacob |
Established Year | : 1968 |
Address | : Chavara Bhavan, Ettapalli P.O., |
Institutions | : 1). Chavara Bhavan for boys and girls
2). Chavara English Medium School
3). Sada Sahaya Matha Convent(ASMI) |
Description | : Mission station at Ettapalli,a Tahsilheadquarters,wasstarted
in 1968 byFr. Christian CMI.This is aninterior forest area,thelandofadivasiGondsandMadias. AfewUraonChristian FamiliesmigratedfromMadhyaPradeshandgotsettledhereby the missionaryintervention ofFr. ChristianCMI in1970.InthefollowingyearsmanymoreUraonpeoplecameinsearchofland andareatpresentspreadoutinabout60villages.TheAssisi SistersofMaryImmaculateopenedtheirconventherein1981and rendertheirserviceinparishactivities.Thenewparishchurchat EttapalliwasconstructedunderthesupervisionofFrs.Antony ChirayilCMI(+)andThomasMadanuandwasblessedin1990. |